INSPIRATION · nostalgia · random thoughts

la vie en pink…

my gorgeous orchid!!!!

Back in the eighties, my mother used to wear flashy colours, and pink was one of them. Her lipstick was pink, her silk blouse was pink, her scarves were pink. She adored that colour. But I didn’t at that time. I really hate it …Today (20 years later), I must admit that I have changed. I am drawn to the PINK colour. On my balcony, I have managed to create a family of pink flowers; orchids, roses, geraniums and violets…It is lovely to look at, powerful colour, yet very feminine.

a chair in pink...

Why does our taste change?

Are we going to be like our mothers????

hmmmm, would like to know from you….

ladies in pink...

I guess a splash of pink here and there brightens our day, puts us in a great mood…

more pink stuff….

"le lac rose" in Senegal - a wonder of nature...
christos pink islands in Miami

On this pink note; I wish you a happy weekend…

4 thoughts on “la vie en pink…

    1. yes leelo in one way or other, we all look alike our mom’s, perhaps in our behavior or even in certain expressions.
      i think the person who loves pink with passion will be a loving person for life like children do,

      1. hi zeina! yes we cannot run away from our genes, we can only try to be better! and thank your comment!!! hope you are well…

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